Over the last two months we have been spotlighting some pretty amazing women as part of our #smartisbeautiful campaign. These women have inspired us and made us rethink what it means to be beautiful. It has been our honor to share their stories with you. Here are the top 7 lessons we learned.
1. There was a French Theorist Named:
Carol enlightened us to Her theories. "whoever holds the power creates the conversation." Ladies we need to take back the conversation about what it means to be beautiful.
2. Beauty is the unique quality in you.
Not a lot of explanation needed here. We all have things that are unique to us or talents that we are good at. These are the things that make us US and make us beautiful.
3. Education is a community affair
4. The world is full of adventure & lessons to be learned
What's that old saying? Life is not about the destination but about the journey, or something along those lines. As we go through life we will all face trials and hardships along with some pretty awesome stuff. It's how we face those trials and what we learn in those times that produces our unique beauty.
5. What the word ephemeral means.
Amanda taught us a new word in her interview, ephemeral. It is a adjective meaning lasting for a very short time. #smartwomen
6. One person can change her family's history.
Sheyvette is the first person in her family to graduate high school and than go on to receive her college degree!
7. Compassion is beauty in action.
Everyone of these women described beauty in terms of compassion. None of them talk about physical traits. What would happen if we stopped talking about beauty in terms of the physical and talked about personality traits, actions, ideas, accomplishments?!